What is "Must Match" & Winding Tips?
A Must Match set has two perfectly matched half skeins that start and stop in the same place of the striping sequence for identical knits with no waste. By dyeing the matching halves at the same time, they are identical down to the last stitch!
The picture below is a Must Match pair in the Dark Side Original colorway. If you look closely, you will notice that where the two ends are tied together that one end is black, and the other is orange with just a tiny bit of yellow at the very end. This is a very good example of how close the two half skeins are!

A Word About Winding
Winding your Must Match set is a breeze! Just keep in mind that the two halves are tied separately and twisted together in the correct orientation, so your stripes line up perfectly.
Quick instructions:
- remove the label and untwist
- separate two halves and put one on your swift
- there are only two ties on each half. Cut the single tie and then cut the main tie, paying extra attention that all of the strands are going in the same direction (if one or more are not, you will notice that the single tie will not be able to be made straight as those errant strands will pull it)
- wind and repeat with the second half, paying attention to which color you started with for the first half
More detailed instructions:
We recommend that when you untwist the skein, you pay careful attention to the strands. The best way to ensure you have all the strands going together is to check the ties. They should be lying flat and not pulled in any way. Secondly, we do not suggest that you place both halves on the swift at once. After separating the two halves, simply lay one aside. Each half will have only two ties: the main tie and a second single tie. Double-check that the secondary tie is lying flat before cutting it. Now, cut your main tie and gently untwist the ends, taking care that you are not pulling one through the hank but going around. Take your time and note which strand you are starting with (color, spin direction, etc.) so you can wind your second half in the exact same manner.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us!
The Must Stash Set has been our signature put up since 2015 and was the first on the market in this format. We hope you love the ease of this perfectly matching pair as much as we do!