Every week we offer a different, curated selection of new and old favorites. This week is all about the mega stripes! Must Stash was one of the first self striping brands to offer striping sequences larger than the usual 4 to 6 stripes. I can tell you that in those early days it was thrilling to push the limit of what we could create...to see just how long could we go. So what is a "mega stripe" in our book? A mega stripe is any striping sequence that is at least 48 yards long. Our largest sequence is a whopping 90 yards long

(270 feet or 82.3 meters)! That is almost the length of a football field...a Football Field, folks!!! 

This week we have Everlasting kits from the Everlasting pattern by Lisa K. Ross and Firework and Lots of Sock kits from her Lots of Sock pattern and KAL. As well as  Family Reunion from the Smooth Operator sock pattern by Susan B. Anderson, Kama on Perfect and Sport, and Sesame. Oh, and our last batch of 100% Irish which isn't a mega stripe but is seasonally appropriate with St. Patrick's day just around the corner on the 17th. 

Up next week, as we continue to offer mega stripes will be Around the Corner, Bad Guys, Cassiopeia A and Good Guys. 

Shop the Mega Stripe!

Brian Dawson